Frequently Asked Questions

How can I join?

You can join by clicking the Join Us! button in the top right.
You need to be older than 15 and have a Discord account as well as a microphone.

What is Travelcraft?

We are a Minecraft SMP, which is backed by a big community from people all around the world. If you want to know a bit more, read about us here.

What rules do you have?

The server has only a basic set of rules, like no hacking or being respectful. To see the full list of our rules, please join our discord.

What Minecraft version is the server running?

We usually use the newest version as soon as we can. Currently, the server is running on version 1.20.4.

Where is the server located?

Our physical server machine is located in Norway.

Can you add <insert mod name>?

No we can't have mods as we run PaperMC. If you have a suggestion for a cool plugin or datapack let us know.
There has been a separate modded server at times, however currently that project is laid to the side.